My offering

I support system and algorithmic engineering teams in enhancing the performance of their systems and models. How? By designing a comprehensive process that includes workshops, design reviews, and training, I can elevate your product by improving SNR and overall accuracy.

  • I partner with companies on a part-time retainer basis to guide them through the complexities of designing stable, predictable, and high-performing models and algorithm pipelines

  • From designing AI or sensor algorithm pipelines to conducting algorithm design reviews, to training the team, I help companies enhance the accuracy of their models, gain dBs of SNR and improve AUC.

  • I offer specialized courses to R&D teams at companies, covering topics such as AI, Radar Signal Processing, Lidar Signal Processing, and the design of tracking systems. Additionally, I provide online courses for further learning opportunities.

  • I assist individuals ranging from students to accomplished engineers in advancing their careers.

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If you're facing challenges like poor model performance, a jittery DSP pipeline, or insufficient team training, I'm here to help. Join our community for the latest updates and articles I publish, or scroll down to schedule a free 30-minute algorithm assessment call with me